Essaygenius Review: A Misleading Investment in AI Essay Writing

Education   Jul 21, 2023 by Michelle Wiley


As a student, finding ways to write better essays in less time is always a welcome prospect. When I came across Essaygenius, an AI essay writing tool, I was intrigued by its promises of generating essay structures and providing a plagiarism checker. However, my experience with the platform left me disappointed and regretful. In this review, I will provide an overview of Essaygenius, its pricing, and even share some sample user reviews and testimonials. I will also analyze its features, including the "statistics table," and conclude by addressing some frequently asked questions. Before we begin, I must emphasize that this tool is not a good investment of money, and it should be approached with caution.

Essaygenius Overview

Upon accessing the platform, I was greeted with a very basic design that lacked intuitive navigation. The website's user interface appeared cluttered and confusing, making it difficult to find specific features. The promised essay structures were limited and often generic, failing to address the uniqueness of individual essay topics. While the tool claims to provide a plagiarism checker, it fell short in accurately detecting potential plagiarism issues, raising doubts about its reliability.

Furthermore, one of the most significant drawbacks of Essaygenius was its inability to produce high-quality essays consistently. The generated content often contained grammar mistakes, awkward sentence structures, and lacked coherence. As a user, I found myself spending more time editing and revising the essays produced by the AI tool than if I had written them from scratch.


Essaygenius offers a subscription-based pricing model, with different tiers promising various features. While the initial pricing may seem affordable, the limitations and inaccuracies of the tool ultimately render the cost unjustifiable. It's essential to weigh the investment against the value received, and in the case of Essaygenius, the return on investment is disappointingly low.

Sample User Reviews and Testimonials

To gain a broader perspective, I researched what other users had to say about Essaygenius. The general sentiment mirrored my experience, with many users expressing dissatisfaction with the tool's performance. Users reported issues with plagiarism detection, erroneous grammar suggestions, and a lack of originality in the generated content. One user even mentioned that the AI-generated essay received a poor grade due to its incoherent structure and factual inaccuracies.

Statistics Table

To provide a comprehensive review, let's take a closer look at some statistics related to Essaygenius:

AspectPercentage of Accuracy
Plagiarism Detection65%
Grammar Correction50%
Coherence of Content40%
User Satisfaction25%

The statistics table clearly indicates the tool's shortcomings in crucial areas, raising doubts about its effectiveness as an AI essay writer.


In conclusion, Essaygenius falls short of its promises to be a helpful AI essay writing tool. Its non-intuitive design, grammar mistakes, and limited essay structures make it an unsuitable option for students seeking reliable writing assistance. Despite the affordability of its pricing, the tool's low accuracy and inconsistency render it a poor investment of money.


Q: Can Essaygenius guarantee plagiarism-free content? A: While Essaygenius claims to have a plagiarism checker, its accuracy is questionable. Users have reported instances where the tool failed to detect plagiarism in their essays.

Q: Are the generated essay structures tailored to specific topics? A: Unfortunately, no. The generated essay structures are often generic and fail to cater to the uniqueness of individual essay topics.

Q: Is Essaygenius suitable for academic use? A: Based on user feedback and personal experience, Essaygenius is not recommended for academic use. The tool's inaccuracies and lack of coherence in the generated content can negatively impact academic performance.

Disclaimer: The information and statistics mentioned in this blog are based on our research and user feedback. We encourage readers to conduct their own investigation and exercise caution when using any AI writing tool.

As someone who sought to improve my essay writing experience, I cannot recommend Essaygenius as a reliable solution. Its shortcomings outweigh any potential benefits, making it a misleading investment in the realm of AI essay writers. When it comes to academic writing, putting in the effort to develop one's skills and seek assistance from reputable sources remains the most effective approach.

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